It’s tempting when you’re 95% done with a project to just move on and leave the remaining 5% to sort of take care of itself.
Avoid this temptation.
That remaining 5% is going to come back to get in your way and make your life more complicated. If, for example, you do this with 8 different projects over the course of a few months, you now have 8 projects continuing to clog up your system or mind in some fashion, on top of whatever “real” projects you are truly working on.
Instead, take the little bit of time to complete your projects completely. Then you’ll be keeping the decks a lot more clear for a more effective, more streamlined execution of your next projects.
Update: When there are things about a project that you genuinely do want to put off until later, write those down and put them as a someday/maybe or upcoming project to deal with later.
That way, the current project really is complete, but if you want to come back and revise some things later, you can still keep track of those ideas.
Here’s one example: I just organized my garage, since we just moved in. There are a few things I’d like to change about it down the road a bit, but don’t want to take the time to change around now. So I wrote those down and I’m going to create a someday/maybe item to “update garage organization,” with those items in the note field.