Setting up our desk is something that we all have to deal with, and yet there’s almost nothing out there on how to do it well. There’s no single go-to book that brings together the best principles and practices for getting a clear view of how to make your desk work for you as effectively as possible. That’s what this book aims to do. We’ll look at why desk setup matters, basic principles for setting up your desk well, where to put your desk (and where not to!), what goes on your desktop (less than you think), how to set up the drawers, and how to set up the rest of your office. Along with this, we will also see the connection between setting up your desk well and changing the world, which is what all productivity practices are ultimately about. |
“Matt Perman has served me so well in applying a SteveJobs-like approach to my workflow: simple, intuitive, elegant, and efficient.I’ve followed most of his advice about setting up my desk (as well asprocessing my email), and it works beautifully.”
—Andy Naselli, Assistant Professor of New Testamentand Biblical Theology at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis;Research Manager for D. A. Carson; Administrator of the theologicaljournal Themelios
“Your desk is probably standing in the way of youreffectiveness at work. So are your email, office supplies, and task managementsystems (or lack thereof). Matt Perman is the master of all of these areas. Hiswell-researched and documented methodologies have revolutionized theeffectiveness with which I live out my callings in life.”
—Matt Heerema, Pastor of Stonebrook Community Church; Director ofMere Design Agency
“Sitting here in my office, I am able to look around at awell-ordered and organized system thanks to Matt Perman. This book drasticallyhelped me with my physical workspace, and the results have been tremendous. Iwill now use this book for all new staff in our department.”
—Chris Misiano, Senior Director of Campus Recreation, LibertyUniversity