I’m excited to be speaking at the One2 Conference in Atlanta this Thursday. The vision for these events is amazing and just what we need when it comes to the faith and work discussion. Here it is in a nutshell:
ONE2 is a one-night event for students and recent graduates who want to do meaningful work that honors God and serves the world.
These events are not like a traditional conference where most of the time consists of teaching. Instead, in addition to the teaching (two 20-minute TED-like talks), there is also table discussions and Q&A. The aim is to create a space for 18-25 year-olds to talk about the intersection of faith and work.
So if you are a student or recent graduate, come to ONE2 Atlanta this Thursday and learn more about how your faith integrates with your work. The other keynote speaker will be Tyler Reagin, executive director of Catalyst, who I can’t wait to hear.
You can register at the website, as well as learn more about ONE2 in general, discover some of the resources they recommend, and read their blog. And here’s a short video trailer on the conference: