I’m enjoying the book A Class with Drucker: The Lost Lessons of the World’s Greatest Management Teacher. The advice is not unexpected for Drucker, but unexpected when compared to much of conventional wisdom. Here is the table of contents, which gives a good reflection of this:
- How I Became the Student of the Father of Modern Management
- Drucker in the Classroom
- What Everybody Knows is Frequently Wrong
- Self-Confidence Must be Built Step by Step
- If You Keep Doing What Worked in the Past You’re Going to Fail
- Approach Problems with Your Ignorance — Not Your Experience
- Develop Experience Outside Your Field to be an Effective Manager
- Outstanding Performance is Inconsistent with Fear of Failure
- The Objective of Marketing is to Make Selling Unnecessary
- Ethics, Honor, Integrity and the Law
- You Can’t Predict the Future, but You Can Create It
- We’re All Accountable
- You Must Know Your People to Lead Them
- People Have No Limits, Even After Failure
- A Model Organization That Drucker Greatly Admired
- The Management Control Panel
- Base Your Strategy on the Situation, Not on a Formula
- How to Motivate the Knowledge Worker
- Drucker’s Principles of Self-Development