Here are organizations that are doing especially well in the fight against global poverty, and which are worth giving to and partnering with.
Fighting Injustice
- International Justice Mission. The best organization in the world at bringing rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.
- (See also Gary Haugen’s excellent new book The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence. Gary is the head of IJM.)
Fighting Poverty
- Food for the Hungry. A great organization reflecting the love of Christ by emergency relief and long-term work to end world hunger. I love their online catalog, where you can purchase needed items for those in need in the developing world.
- Live 58. Seeking to end extreme poverty in our generation (it can be done!).
- The 128 Foundation. Fostering business-based solutions to help the poor lift themselves out of poverty in the developing world.
- Poverty Cure. An international coalition of organizations fostering entrepreneurial solutions to ending global poverty that challenge the status quo and affirm and foster the creativity of the human person.
Theological Equipping in the Developing World
- The Gospel Coalition International Outreach. Getting much-needed resources to pastors and leaders in the global church.
- Global Training Network. A superb organization training pastors, church planters, and leaders in the developing world.
From the Online Toolkit for What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done.