From the Online Toolkit for What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done.
This is a summary of the daily workflow routine I outline in chapter 22, “Daily Execution,” and chapter 15, “Creating the Right Routines.”
1. Plan your day:
- Write down the three most important tasks you can accomplish today, in light of your calendar and priorities.
- Review your calendar and list any actions this generates.
- Review your weekly priority list to identify actions that need to flow from that and make sure it is still current.
- Write down any other things you need to do in light of upcoming meetings, appointments, and just generally other stuff you want to get done.
2. Execute your workflow:
- Process your physical inbox (see this post for details on doing that).
- Process your voice mail, voice notes (if you use them) and any physical notes you’ve jotted down in your capture tool.
- Process your email to zero (see this post for the full system, or chapter 20 in the book, “Managing Email and Workflow”.)
3. Do your main daily activity.
4. Do some next actions or work on an important project.